Arkadiusz Krysik

Top 12 Real Estate CRM Systems in 2024

In real estate, building and maintaining strong client relationships is critical.

The high value of properties and long-term financial commitments mean that real estate agents must carefully manage their client relations in order not to lose any delicate leads.

That’s where Real Estate CRM software comes in – it’s essential for any real estate business, no matter the size.

In this article, we’ll explore the top real estate CRM systems in 2024, helping you choose the best one to elevate your business.

What is a CRM in Real Estate?

Real estate CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems are specialized software platforms designed to manage and optimize relationships with clients, leads, and contacts in the real estate industry.

They streamline processes such as lead tracking, communication, and deal management, integrating with marketing and sales tools to enhance client engagement and sales efficiency.

best real estate crm

Types of real estate CRM systems

In general, we can point out three main types of CRM systems present in real estate businesses:

  • In-House Real Estate CRM System: Hosted on the company’s servers, offering full data control and customization but requiring significant infrastructure and maintenance investment.
  • Cloud Real Estate CRM System: Hosted online, accessible from anywhere with internet, and managed by a provider, including updates and security, typically on a subscription basis.
  • Custom Real Estate CRM Software: Tailored to meet a business’s specific needs, offering full customization and integration of specialized tools and features.

How much does real estate CRM cost?

The cost of real estate CRM systems varies widely, depending on the type and complexity of the solution.

Ready-made cloud-based CRM platforms typically range from $20 to $200 per user per month, depending on the features offered and the size of the organization.

These solutions are cost-effective for small to medium-sized agencies, providing essential tools without a significant upfront investment.

However, for larger real estate companies with specific needs, custom CRM solutions, though more expensive – often involving development costs that can range from $10,000 to $100,000 or more – offer substantial long-term value.

Type of Real Estate CRMCost RangeEstimated Cost for 50 Users (Per Year)Best Suited ForKey Advantages
Ready-Made Cloud-Based CRM$20 to $200 per user per month$12,000 to $120,000 per yearSmall to medium-sized real estate agenciesCost-effective, low upfront investment, easy to deploy
Custom Real Estate CRM Solution$10,000 to $100,000+ (one-time or ongoing development costs)N/ALarge real estate companies with specific, complex needsTailored features, scalability, competitive advantage

This is especially true when you consider the cost-per-user model of many cloud-based platforms. For larger organizations, these costs can add up quickly, making these out-of-the-box solutions much more expensive in the long run than custom solutions, especially those built using the real estate software templates that some software development platforms offer.

So when deciding on your CRM system, consider how many users you currently have and how you plan to grow. If you think your business might expand in the near future, make scalability a priority so you are not stuck with user-based pricing and vendor lock-in a few years down the road.

real estate agents

Key Features of Solid Real Estate CRM Software

When selecting the right CRM software, it is essential to ensure it meets all the needs of your real estate business.

Here are the key features a strong real estate CRM should offer. If you are currently in the process of looking for your new CRM system, you can consider this as your checklist for researching potential picks:

  • Lead Management: Tracks and manages potential clients from initial contact to conversion, ensuring valuable opportunities aren’t missed.
  • Property Management: Maintains a database of property listings, enabling quick matching of properties with client preferences.
  • Contact Management: Organizes client details, preferences, and transaction history for easy access and personalized service.
  • Task and Calendar Management: Integrates calendar and task management to keep appointments and daily activities organized.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Generates reports and analytics on sales and client interactions to support data-driven decisions.
  • Integration with Other Tools: Seamlessly connects with email, marketing platforms, and social media for enhanced efficiency.

Any solid real estate CRM system needs these capabilities in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of real estate professionals.

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Top 12 Best Real Estate CRMs in 2024

We’ve covered the basics, but with so many options on the market, choosing the right CRM system is still not easy.

To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of the TOP 12 Real Estate CRM Software Solutions for any real estate business.

Here they are in no particular order, as each system has its strengths and weaknesses, and its up to you to choose the one that fits best:

  • Openkoda
  • Wise Agent
  • Follow Up Boss
  • LionDesk
  • IXACT Contact
  • Property Base
  • Sierra Interactive
  • HubSpot
  • Realvolve
  • Top Producer
  • Market Leader

Here’s a brief comparison between each when it comes to their pricing and target:

CRM SystemPriceTrialBest For
OpenkodaOpen-sourceFree demoCustomization and scalability
Wise Agent$29/month14 daysSolo agents and small teams
Follow Up Boss$69/month14 daysLead management and team collaboration
LionDesk$25/month30 daysAffordable option with robust communication
IXACT Contact$38/month35 daysIntegrated marketing and contact management
Property Base$79/month14 daysComprehensive property and transaction management
Sierra Interactive$399/monthNo trialAdvanced lead management and marketing
HubSpotFree/$50+ per month14 daysScalable CRM with robust marketing tools
Realvolve$49/month14 daysWorkflow automation and customization
Top Producer$129/month30 daysLead nurturing and transaction management
Market Leader$139/monthNo trialLead generation and marketing automation

Now let’s do a quick overview of each system to help you find the perfect fit for your real estate business.


more deals

Openkoda provides a property management system template built on an open source platform and designed to streamline various aspects of property management in a real estate company.

It offers features such as tenant screening, custom dashboards, maintenance management, document generation, and even AI-powered real estate SQL query generation.

real estate agents

Although Openkoda PMS isn’t a traditional CRM, it stands out due to its open-source rapid development framework, which allows for extensive customization and integration.

It means that using this template and its capabilities will enable custom application development to be up to 60% faster than traditional methods, meaning that you can craft your own real estate CRM system at a fraction of the cost.

The Openkoda real estate template comes with essential property management features like tenant screening, custom dashboards, automated document generation, and AI-powered messaging, providing a strong foundation for developing a comprehensive real estate CRM system.

Top Features

  • Customization and Scalability: Openkoda’s open-source framework allows users to customize and scale the software without fear of vendor lock-ins,
  • Custom Dashboard: it includes personalized dashboards that provide real-time updates on things like rent payments, maintenance, and other operations,
  • AI Messaging: The messaging system that leverages generative AI technology centralizes communication with tenants and contractors, improving coordination and managing expenses.
  • Automated Document Generation: Openkoda’s AI capabilities allow for creation of leases, invoices, and receipts, reducing manual work and increasing accuracy.
  • Maintenance Management: Tenants can report maintenance issues directly speeding up issue resolution process.

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Wise Agent

business processes

Wise Agent is a user-friendly real estate CRM that simplifies and automates daily tasks for both solo agents and teams. Its standout feature is a powerful contact management system that easily imports contacts from various sources and enhances them with additional public profile information.

The platform also offers some functionalities for marketing automation such as drip campaigns, email, and text message marketing, allowing agents to maintain consistent communication with leads.

However, the mobile app lacks some desktop features, the setup process can be time-consuming, and the interface could use a more modern design.

Top Features

  • Automated Follow-Ups: Schedule and automate follow-up emails, calls, and messages to keep communication with clients and leads consistent and timely.
  • Contact Management: You can organize and store detailed client information, such as contact details, preferences, and transaction history, to provide personalized service.
  • Transaction Management: Monitor and manage transaction-related tasks with customizable checklists and templates, ensuring every detail is handled efficiently.
  • Marketing Automation: Create and manage drip campaigns, email marketing, and text message marketing to maintain ongoing communication with clients.


build meaningful relationships

LionDesk is a versatile and affordable CRM designed for real estate agents, offering a wide range of features to manage leads, automate communication, and boost productivity. It’s suitable for both solo agents and larger teams.

LionDesk stands out for its easy-to-use contact management system, which allows for simple import of contacts from platforms like Gmail.

The system provides detailed contact cards, storing comprehensive information such as emails, calls, texts, and personal details. This helps agents personalize their outreach and maintain a clear record of all client interactions.

Key Features

  • Bulk Email and Texting: Efficiently communicate with your entire database by sending bulk emails and texts to leads and clients.
  • Video Email and Text: Increase engagement by sending personalized video emails and texts directly through the platform.
  • Lead Integration: Automatically import leads into the CRM from various sources, ensuring every potential client is captured.
  • AI-Powered Lead Follow-Up: Leverage an AI assistant to qualify leads, handle inquiries, and streamline routine tasks.

Follow Up Boss

real estate business

Follow Up Boss is another CRM system tailored to the real estate businesses.

It’s known for its easy-to-use interface and features that help agents manage leads, automate follow-ups, and collaborate effectively with their teams.

A major advantage of Follow Up Boss is its seamless integration with popular real estate tools like Zillow,, and Mailchimp. This allows agents to centralize their operations and manage everything from one platform. It also integrates with WordPress websites, making it easier to capture leads directly into the CRM.

However, the initial setup can be time-consuming, and there is a bit of a learning curve to get the most out of its features.

Top Features

  • Integrated Automatic Dialer: It allows you to make and track calls directly within the CRM, ensuring efficient communication and timely follow-ups with leads.
  • Lead Management: You can monitor and manage potential clients from their first interaction through to conversion, prioritizing leads based on their likelihood to close.
  • Automated Lead Follow-Up: Engage leads promptly and consistently with automated email and text follow-ups, boosting the chances of conversion.

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IXACT Contact

sales process

IXACT Contact is a proptech CRM offering a suite of tools to streamline client management, enhance marketing, and boost productivity for real estate agents and teams.

Its user-friendly interface and rich features make it a favored choice among professionals.

With IXACT Contact, a real estate agent can maintain detailed contact profiles and automate follow-ups, ensuring consistent communication with leads and clients.

Key Features

  • Automated Marketing: Use email, direct mail, and drip campaign tools to keep consistent communication with clients and leads, ensuring continuous engagement.
  • Contact Management: Keep comprehensive profiles on each contact, including their preferences and transaction history, to deliver personalized service.
  • Customizable Agent Websites: Create and manage agent websites designed for lead generation, with built-in SEO and lead capture forms to attract and convert potential clients.
  • Lead Management: Monitor and manage leads from the first contact through to conversion, making sure no opportunities are missed.

Property Base

best crm

Propertybase is a cloud-based CRM for real estate professionals, offering tools to manage transactions, enhance client engagement, and streamline back-office tasks.

It features dedicated property pages with high-resolution images and virtual tours to improve listings’ online presence.

Propertybase also supports robust email marketing, allowing agents to create and send visually appealing newsletters, with built-in analytics to track and optimize campaign performance.

Key Features

  • Integrated CRM and Marketing: Seamlessly manage leads and automate communications by integrating CRM functionalities with advanced marketing tools.
  • Property and Transaction Management: Maintain an organized database of property listings while efficiently managing transaction tasks to ensure nothing is overlooked.
  • Customizable Workflows: Enhance productivity and streamline your operations by designing and managing workflows and checklists that suit your specific requirements.

Sierra Interactive

sales cycle

Sierra Interactive is an interesting platform that stands out from other CRM tools for its strong integration capabilities and advanced automation features.

It offers a suite of advanced features to help agents manage leads, automate marketing, and enhance client engagement.

What sets Sierra Interactive apart is its integrated dialer and SMS marketing system, enabling efficient communication through calls and text messages. The platform supports bulk texting, automated texting based on triggers, and personalized campaigns, ensuring consistent contact with potential clients.

Key Features

  • Automated Marketing: With Sierra Interactive CRM, you can keep in touch with leads and clients through automated email and text campaigns, boosting engagement and improving conversion rates.
  • Advanced Lead Management: Manage and prioritize leads effectively with detailed activity tracking and customizable routing rules, ensuring timely follow-ups.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Manage leads, track communications, and stay productive from anywhere with full access to CRM features on your mobile device.


just a crm

Realvolve is another CRM tailored for real estate professionals, offering a cloud-based platform to streamline real estate transactions and enhance productivity.

According to its users, its key feature is workflow automation, which simplifies tasks like email campaigns and follow-ups, saving time and resources. Realvolve supports conditional workflows, allowing for customized automation based on specific needs.

What sets Realvolve apart is its adaptability, with over 4,000 third-party integrations available via Zapier.

Key Features

  • Workflow Automation – Automate tasks and processes with customizable workflows to streamline operations and increase productivity.
  • Contact Management – Keep detailed records of contacts, including communication history and transaction details, to provide personalized service.
  • Email and Text Campaigns – Create and automate email and text message campaigns to maintain consistent communication with leads and clients.
  • Customizable Reporting – Generate detailed reports and analytics to track performance, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.


nurture leads

HubSpot CRM is a versatile platform that, while designed for a broad market, also offers tools useful for real estate agencies.

It features a robust contact management system that helps agents keep detailed records and track client interactions. HubSpot’s workflow automation streamlines sales and marketing tasks, ensuring efficient and timely follow-ups.

The platform also includes project management tools for tracking tasks and deadlines. With support for over 250 app integrations, HubSpot can easily connect with other tools commonly used in real estate operations.

Key Features

  • Contact Management Features: A comprehensive contact management system allows you to keep detailed records, track interactions, and manage client relationships efficiently.
  • Email Marketing: Email campaigns can be created, automated, and tracked to effectively engage leads and nurture ongoing relationships. ate, automate, and track email campaigns to engage leads and nurture relationships effectively.
  • Lead Management – Leads are tracked and prioritized at every stage of the sales funnel, ensuring timely follow-ups and optimizing conversion rates.
  • Sales Pipeline Management – You can visualize and manage your sales pipeline with customizable stages, helping you track progress and forecast sales accurately.

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Top Producer

real estate crms

Top Producer is a dedicated real estate CRMS designed to help professionals streamline lead management, automate communications, and track transactions efficiently. It’s known for its user-friendly interface and robust features that keep agents and brokers organized.

According to reviews, what sets Top Producer apart is its strong focus on lead nurturing.

It offers a comprehensive library of email and text templates that help keep prospects engaged, along with automated follow-ups to lighten agents’ workloads and improve conversion rates.

Key Features

  • Lead Nurturing: Top producer supports various sales processes by using a variety of email and text templates designed to nurture relationships.
  • Transaction Management: With this real estate CRM software you can track deal progress with a visual timeline, manage tasks efficiently, and ensure all transaction details are handled smoothly.
  • MLS Integration: Seamlessly integrate with the MLS to offer real-time property updates and gain insights into properties and client preferences.


real estate team

Lofty, formerly known as Chime, is a sophisticated CRM built for real estate professionals, offering tools to enhance productivity, automate processes, and improve client management. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features make it a valuable tool for agents and brokerages.

Its key selling point is its automated phone dialer, which simplifies and speeds up the calling process.

Additionally, Lofty offers customizable IDX-enabled websites with nationwide MLS feeds, mortgage calculators, and home evaluation tools, all designed to effectively engage and convert leads.

Key Features

  • AI Assistant: You can enhance efficiency and client engagement by utilizing an AI assistant that manages inquiries, schedules appointments, and sends notifications.
  • Automated Phone Dialer: Automate your calls with smart call lists and insights,
  • Customizable Websites: You can easily create IDX-enabled, SEO-friendly websites with a drag-and-drop interface, complete with mortgage calculators and home evaluation tools.
  • Social Media Automation: Keep your online presence active by automating social media posts for listings and updates across all your integrated channels.

Market Leader

real estate agents

Market Leader is another CRM built for real estate professionals, offering tools for lead generation, marketing automation, and website management.

This particular tool is focused on its strong lead generation capabilities.

It offers exclusive lead packages like HouseValues and Leads Direct, generating motivated leads through PPC campaigns and social media ads tailored to the agent’s market.

Key Features

  • Lead Generation: With this real estate CRM tool, you can more easily keep a steady flow of good-quality prospects through PPC campaigns and social media ads.
  • Marketing Automation: Automate your email and direct mail campaigns with customizable templates, keeping consistent communication with leads and clients.
  • IDX-Enabled Websites: Provide customizable IDX-enabled websites that include integrated lead capture forms, helping to turn website visitors into leads.

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The developed software product was built from scratch with solid quality. We have had a long-term engagement with Stratoflow for nearly 10 years. We look at them as partners, rather than contractors. I'm impressed by their team culture and cross-team support.

Nathan Pesin

CTO, Legerity Financials

Stratoflow was a great partner, challenging as well as supporting our customer projects for the best outcome. They have a great pool of talent within the business - all very capability technologists, as well as being business-savvy and suitable for consultancy engagements.

Chris Goodall

Managing Consultant, CG Consultancy (UK) Limited

The bespoke metal exchange platform works great, it is easily accessible and richly functional. Stratoflow managed deadlines capably, meticulously documented their progress, and delivered a complex project at an affordable cost.

Bartlomiej Knichnicki

Vice Chairman, Supervisory Board

We are very pleased with our partnership with Stratoflow and, as we continue to grow, we expect to increase the numbers of developers that work with us on our projects. They have proven to be very skilled and flexible. They're extremely reliable, and they have a very good company culture of their own, which gives them a real edge compared to other providers that serve more as production shops rather than thought partners and creative problem solvers.

Andrew Kennedy

Founder & Managing Director, Tier 2 Consulting

Stratoflow successfully customized the system according to the specific functionalities and without bugs reported. The team was commended for their adaptability in the work process and for their responsiveness.

Joshua Blavins

Tech PM, Digital Agency

The features implemented have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from end-users. Stratoflow has an incredible technical expertise and a high degree of flexibility when it comes to changing project requirements.

Adam Hill

Chief Technology Officer, Legerity

They have impressively good knowledge of AI issues. Very responsive to any amendments and findings. Very good communication. We received a finished project which could be implemented into production shortly after testing.

CO-Founder & CTO

Circular Fashion Company

They provided superb service with seamless communication and a highly professional, technical approach. The team displays impressive technical expertise and are willing to share information and engage in constructive feedback.

Filip Stachnik

Operations Manager, Otwarte Klatki (part of Anima International)

They're very skilled technically and are also able to see the bigger picture. Stratoflow can actually think about solutions, not just the technical task at hand, which they've been assigned.

Arnd Jan Prause

Chief Operating Officer, musQueteer

Stratoflow delivered the website successfully within the timeframe and budget. They assured that the output met the set requirements. Overall, the team's performance was excellent and recommended for their exceptional technical business expertise. They've been able to deliver all of their work on time and within budget, which has been very impressive.

Lars Andersen

Founder & CEO, My Nametags

Travel sector rebound after the pandemic is complete. We have fantastic global coverage of travel data distribution due to mutual agreements and data exchange between aggregators. Competition for the best price of limited resources degradates margins.

How to win? Provide personalized experience and build your own products in the front-office. The missing bits: a traveller golden record collecting past activities and a AI/ML recommendation technology.

Michał Głomba

CEO at Stratoflow