Modern Java Developer (Wrocław/Remote)


Budujemy systemy informatyczne o wysokiej wydajności i skalowalności dla międzynarodowych klientów z branży Finance,Travel, eCommerce, Healthcare, Industry 4.0.

Jeśli znasz Javę i szukasz miejsca, gdzie możesz pracować nad ciekawymi projektami w najnowszych technologiach z doświadczonymi współpracownikami, spędzając 40 godzin tygodniowo w miłej atmosferze z dala od korporacyjnych meetingów, conference calli i asapów, to koniecznie musimy porozmawiać.

Jesteśmy jedną z najszybciej rozwijających się firm w Europie Centralnej według rankingów Deloitte Fast 50 CE oraz The Financial Times 1000.

Nasze biuro znajduje się we Wrocławiu, ale pracujemy również zdalnie.

Więcej o Stratoflow

Jak wygląda praca z nami?

  • Stabilna, długotrwała współpraca.
  • Różnorodne projekty dla międzynarodowych klientów.
  • Praca w naszym wygodnym biurze w centrum Wrocławia lub zdalnie (cały kraj).
  • Nowoczesna Java (w zdecydowanej większości projektów Java 13+).
  • Commit pierwszego dnia.
  • Codziennie korzystamy ze Spring Boot, IntelliJ, GitHub, Jenkins, JIRA.
  • Często nowe projekty rozpoczynane od zera – złożone aplikacje internetowe, systemy przetwarzające duże wolumeny danych i odpowiadające w real-time oparte o przetwarzanie w pamięci, zaawansowane integracje.
  • Pełny fullstack, rozwój systemów od konfiguracji projektu do wdrożenia.
  • Zwinne metodyki.
  • Mało spotkań, duża samodzielność.
  • Płaska struktura i szybkie decyzje (jest nas 30+ osób).
  • Praktycznie zero nadgodzin.



Szukamy kandydatów posiadających:

  • Minimum 4 lata doświadczenia zawodowego jako projektant-programista lub inżynier Java.
  • Silne zdolności analityczne i komunikacyjne.
  • Praktyczną znajomość Javy i budowy aplikacji internetowych.
  • Stosujących dobre praktyki wytwarzania oprogramowania.
  • Praktyczną znajomość języka angielskiego.

Jak wygląda nasz proces rekrutacyjny?

Co możemy obiecać?

  • Dużo programowania, minimum codziennych formalności, duży wpływ na sposób pracy i realizowane zadania, maksimum satysfakcji z pracy w gronie doświadczonych osób.
  • Satysfakcjonujące wynagrodzenie. Etat lub kontrakt B2B.
  • Możliwość pracy zdalnej, zapraszamy kandydatów z całego kraju.
  • Codzienny angielski w praktyce, dodatkowo lekcje w godzinach pracy.
  • Wspieramy konsultacjami technicznymi organizacje non-profit.
  • Budżet szkoleniowy do wydania na własny rozwój.
  • Sympatyczną, niekorporacyjną atmosferę.
  • Prywatną opiekę medyczną.
  • Bardzo dobrą kawę.

Więcej o pracy w Stratoflow w wywiadzie z CTO


Brzmi dobrze? Aplikuj teraz

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lub wyślij e-mail ze swoim CV lub profilem LinkedIn na adres: [email protected]

Senior Modern Java Developer (Wrocław/Remote)


Budujemy systemy informatyczne o wysokiej wydajności i skalowalności dla międzynarodowych klientów z branży Finance,Travel, eCommerce, Healthcare, Industry 4.0.

Jeśli znasz Javę i szukasz miejsca, gdzie możesz pracować nad ciekawymi projektami w najnowszych technologiach z doświadczonymi współpracownikami spędzając 40 godzin tygodniowo w miłej atmosferze z dala od korporacyjnych meetingów, conference calli i asapów, to koniecznie musimy porozmawiać.

Jesteśmy jedną z najszybciej rozwijających się firm w Europie Centralnej według rankingów Deloitte Fast 50 CE oraz The Financial Times 1000.

Nasze biuro znajduje się we Wrocławiu, ale pracujemy również zdalnie.
Więcej o Stratoflow

Jak wygląda praca z nami?

  • Stabilna, długotrwała współpraca.
  • Różnorodne projekty dla międzynarodowych klientów.
  • Praca w naszym wygodnym biurze w centrum Wrocławia lub zdalnie (cały kraj).
  • Nowoczesna Java (w zdecydowanej większości projektów Java 13+).
  • Commit pierwszego dnia.
  • Codziennie korzystamy ze Spring Boot, IntelliJ, GitHub, Jenkins, JIRA.
  • Często nowe projekty rozpoczynane od zera – złożone aplikacje internetowe, systemy przetwarzające duże wolumeny danych i odpowiadające w real-time oparte o przetwarzanie w pamięci, zaawansowane integracje.
  • Pełny fullstack, rozwój systemów od konfiguracji projektu do wdrożenia.
  • Zwinne metodyki.
  • Mało spotkań, duża samodzielność.
  • Płaska struktura i szybkie decyzje (jest nas 30+ osób).
  • Praktycznie zero nadgodzin.


Szukamy kandydatów posiadających:

  • Minimum 6 lat doświadczenia zawodowego jako projektant-programista lub inżynier Java.
  • Silne zdolności analityczne i komunikacyjne.
  • Praktyczną znajomość Javy i budowy aplikacji internetowych.
  • Stosujących dobre praktyki wytwarzania oprogramowania.
  • Praktyczną znajomość języka angielskiego.

Jak wygląda proces rekrutacyjny?

Co możemy obiecać?

  • Dużo programowania, minimum codziennych formalności, duży wpływ na sposób pracy i realizowane zadania, maksimum satysfakcji z pracy w gronie doświadczonych osób.
  • Satysfakcjonujące wynagrodzenie. Etat lub kontrakt B2B.
  • Możliwość pracy zdalnej, zapraszamy kandydatów z całego kraju.
  • Codzienny angielski w praktyce, dodatkowo lekcje w godzinach pracy.
  • Wspieramy konsultacjami technicznymi organizacje non-profit.
  • Budżet szkoleniowy do wydania na własny rozwój.
  • Sympatyczną, niekorporacyjną atmosferę.
  • Prywatną opiekę medyczną.
  • Bardzo dobrą kawę.

Więcej o pracy w Stratoflow w wywiadzie z CTO

Brzmi dobrze? Aplikuj teraz

Dodaj swoje CV lub link do profilu na LinkedIn

lub wyślij e-mail ze swoim CV lub profilem LinkedIn na adres: [email protected]

java developers
java development project
recruitment and onboarding process

Perks and Benefits

Remote work
Possibility to work from the Wrocław office
Equipment and accessories
Damn good coffee
Training budget
Flexible working hours
English classes
Private health care
Integration events
Technical book library

Meet Us

Our Recruitment Process

Resume review
Introductory call
Interview with quick programming quiz
team of our recruitment team


Recruitment process

What happens once I submit my recruitment application?

After reviewing your application, we arrange a short telephone interview within 1-2 days. During this telephone interview you can learn more about our company and a specific position, and we, in turn, can learn about your expectations. This is also the first opportunity to boldly ask us about anything that was not specified in the job advertisement.

If everything is set, we agree to remotely solve simple programming tasks. They are designed to test your Java skills (feel free to use your IDE). We will also conduct a recruitment interview with the involvement of our specialists: programmers, analysts and development managers.

During the interview we hope to get in-depth knowledge of your experience, motivation and expectations – we truly care about creating a win-win situation.

In the second part of the meeting, we try to define the substantive knowledge of issues related to building web applications, databases or Java / Spring.

After the interview, everybody from our company, who was involved in the recruitment process, meets to make a decision about presenting you with an offer. Regardless of the outcome, we will get back to you within a few days.

You can also find more information about our recruitment process here: Our recruitment and onboarding process for software developers.

How long does the recruitment process take and how many stages does it consist of?

The recruitment process consists of a short phone conversation, solving the tasks and a recruitment meeting. If we can promptly arrange the next steps, the whole process may take 2-3 days from the moment of sending the application.

Is the recruitment process remote?

Yes, the entire recruitment process is remote.

Who will I talk to during the interview?

The people you meet during our interview are our developers, analysts and development managers – that is, the people you will potentially directly work with. This is a great opportunity to get the sense of what the atmosphere in our company is and ask practical questions.

What does the recruitment task look like and how long does it take?

You receive recruitment tasks in the form of Java code, where it is necessary to complete the methods. We pass everything in the link to the remote notepad, from which you can copy the compiling code to your favorite IDE, and after solving it, upload the completed file back into the remote notepad. It takes about an hour to complete the task. That’s all!

How long will I wait for feedback?

We usually have a summary meeting the next day. During that meeting we are making the decision about subbmiting the offer.

I have little experience - should I try to apply or gain experience elsewhere?

We have junior positions open all the time, so feel free to send your CV, and if we arrange an interview, you will see for yourself whether your experience is already sufficient.

Together with Kodilla , we have also written some very practical tips for people who are just starting their programming career: Seniors from Stratoflow advise novice Java Developers.

Does the company conduct internships?

Unfortunately, we do not run an internship program.

What do I need to know before submitting my application?

We will certainly ask you how you imagine your new workplace. It is very important for us to do cool things with cool people, so we will listen to your expectations and tell you honestly what it looks like on our end.

How important is the knowledge of the English language in Stratoflow?

You would need the knowledge of the English language at the communicative level.

What programming languages do I need to know?

If you use Java efficiently, you know how a web application works, what is hidden inside the database engine, and you are familiar with Spring, then you will have a chance to learn all other things.

We develop various projects in parallel, all connected by modern Java, while other elements such as architecture and frameworks and databases are selected in accordance with the requirements of the system being built.

What competences and skills do you value the most?

Substantive competences are an obvious requirement, but equally important are the features that allow us to jointly solve difficult problems for our clients:

  • Friendliness, smile and sense of humor,
  • Developing long-term cooperation, not short contracts,
  • Respect for others, empathy towards colleagues and clients,
  • Interest in solving difficult tasks,
  • Communicating With Clarity and Precision,
  • Willingness to develop one’s own technical and interpersonal skills, curiosity about how things really work,
  • Honesty, directness, the ability to admit a mistake,
  • Creativity and commitment,
  • Distance to yourself and your code. 🙂

In our daily work, we try to follow these signposts:

Craftsmanship – creating systems for business in the best possible way, in line with the soul of an engineer, which is in all of us.
Collaboration – the awareness that only open communication and cooperation between us and our clients will lead us to create something that has real value.
Transparency – open and honest sharing of feedback, problems and critical perspective to be able to learn from mistakes and solve them as quickly as possible.
Responsibility – a sense of responsibility for our work, our communication and the effects of our actions.

Do I have to speak fluent Polish to work with you?

We are open for candidates speaking fluent English to join our team as communication in all our projects is driven in this language. So do not hesitate, just send your application. 🙂

Will I get feedback once the recruitment process is completed?

Yes, everybody we conduct an online recruitment meeting with, receives direct information about the further steps.

What does the whole onboarding process look like and what will the first days of my work look like?

We work in a hybrid model and regardless of your permanent location, we will invite you to the office for the first few days. Then you will learn about the daily processes in our company, you will also take part in workshops on building modern applications, which we do for all people who join us.

Our culture

What is the atmosphere in the company?

From the very beginning, the company’s main goal was to create a place where cool people work on cool projects. Every day we feel that this goal has been achieved. 🙂 We asked the employees in the survey how they rate the atmosphere in the company. Most often pointed to the friendly atmosphere of a small, but very professional company, without processes characteristic for large corporations.

To find out more about the company, read the interview about the working enviroment in Stratoflow with CTO Arkadiusz Drysch.

How many people work at Stratoflow ?

Our company hires nearly 30 people.

Where is the Stratoflow office located ?

Our physical office is located in the center of Wrocław at Łaciarska Street, a few hundred meters from the Market Square.

Can you work 100% remotely at Stratoflow ?

We employ people working both in a hybrid model and completely remotely. We also make sure that every few months we see each other at integration and project meetings.

Is Stratoflow an earlier Codedose ?

Yes, Stratoflow is a new Codedose brand.

Read our rebranding story to learn about the company’s history.

What tools will I use to communicate with the team?

Beside typical management tools such as Jira and ClickUp, we use Slack and Google Meet for everyday communication.

Are there many initiatives in the company?

Every year we take part in the Company Race (Bieg Firmowy) and Company Bike Rally (Firmowy Rajd Rowerowy). We also organize regular integration meetings, both online and offline.

Most often we meet for company dinners in our favorite Wrocław restaurants. Before the pandemic, we were going on day trips outside the city and we hope that the circumstances will allow us to repeat it soon. 🙂

Do you provide a training budget?

Yes, everyone is entitled to PLN 2,500 net for individual disposal on topics related to the company’s operations.

Do you provide English language learning?

Yes. We offer free individual lessons during working hours. But – even more importantly – all our projects are run in English, and the vast majority of them are carried out with clients from the UK. At work, we naturally write and speak English a lot.

What is the structure of the company?

We are 30+ people, the structure of the company is flat and it allows for an efficient information flow without creating “silos”, thanks to which we can make decisions quickly.

At the project level, our activity is supported by the Development Manager, whose goal is to organize our work in the project, and Tech Lead, who cares about the high quality of the solutions we provide.

How are decisions made at Stratoflow?

Thanks to the flat structure of the company and small teams, decisions are made quickly and every vote is always taken into account. 🙂

How long is the work experience required to move to a higher position in the ladder?

We do not use a typical ladder in the company. The salary depends on the length of service and knowledge.

How does Stratoflow stand out from other IT companies?

It is not easy to answer this question modestly, but we certainly have a very friendly atmosphere supporting the development of technical people.

Stratoflow employees like working together and appreciate the fast decision-making process. We also do very interesting things for extraordinary customers from all over the world.

To find out more about the company, read the interview about the working enviroment in Stratoflow with CTO Arkadiusz Drysch.

Are employees engaged in social initiatives?

Every year, we take part in the Corporate Race (Bieg Firmowy) and Corporate Bike Rally (Firmowy Rajd Rowerowy). We are also part of the Tech to The Rescue project, under which we support non-governmental organizations technologically.

Will I have to meet directly with clients?

We communicate with clients mainly using e-mails, instant messaging, and Jira. In addition, depending on the project, there are also online status meetings (daily or weekly).

How will I get to know my colleagues better?

For the first few days of your work, we will invite you to the office (we provide transport and accommodation for people from outside of Wroclaw).

During onboarding, we always inform the entire company about the new person and encourage everyone to come, get to know each other and have lunch together.

We organize an integration meeting at least once a quarter and a daily standup meeting with webcams turned on and a moment for non-work-related chats. There will be many opportunities! 🙂

What hours will I work?

Flexible working hours in our case mean that most of us start work between 7 and 10 AM. 🙂

Do I have a chance for professional and personal development at Stratoflow ?

Parallel projects, the ability to move between teams, and the wide variety of business areas in which we work, allow us to learn new things.

What does it mean that Stratoflow is High Performance Software Experts?

High Performance Software means IT systems that do not slow down our clients’ businesses. For example, we have built a financial system that processes over a billion transactions per hour or a travel search engine that calculates the price and availability of hotel rooms in 1-10 ms.

What equipment will I be working on?

We work on Windows / Linux as standard, our company laptops are Thinkpads with Windows.

Is there a dress code at Stratoflow?

No. 🙂

Why do current employees like working at Stratoflow ?

We asked about it in an anonymous questionnaire, and the employees most often indicated:

  • cool coworkers,
  • interesting projects,
  • development opportunities,
  • intimate atmosphere,
  • no “corpo” processes,
  • direct contact,
  • swift decisions,
  • no pressure.

Developer life in Stratoflow

Who will I work with?

You will work in a team of specialists supported by the Development Manager, whose task is to take care of the efficient organization and flow of information. Depending on the project, the team also includes Analysts who gather field knowledge.

See our FanPage to get to know us a bit better. 🙂

What industry does the company serve?

Most of our projects are carried out for clients from the Finance, eCommerce, Travel and Healthcare industries.

What kind of projects are carried out in the company?

To a large extent, these are new projects that we start from scratch – there are systems that process large volumes of data, with low latency. On top of that, there are also an integration system and complex Internet applications.

How big of a team will I be working in?

Our largest teams consist of a dozen or so people.

What technologies and frameworks will I mainly work in?

Java, Spring Framework, PostgreSQL and many other things depending on the project such as: Kafka, Hazelcast, Ignite / Grid Gain, Elastic, Timescale, MongoDB, Docker, Kubernetes.

Are there a lot of meetings?

In addition to the regular daily standup meetings, we make sure that we meet when it is needed to build something together.

Do you provide services other than software development?

Yes. We also provide consulting and workshop services, as well as independent audits as part of due diligence processes.

How did your previous projects look like?

You will find a detailed answer to this question in the Case Studies tab. 🙂

Will I work in the latest technologies?

Yes. We are regular readers of Hacker News and we are closely watching new, interesting solutions 🙂

How is software made in Stratoflow ?

We work agile, adjusting the best Scrum and Kanban practices to the nature of the project. Regardless of the process, we care most about: short, well-defined iterations that provide a positive feedback loop and steer the project in the right direction; unfettered communication to build things that are genuinely useful.

Who mediates the contact between the team and the client?

On a daily basis, the entire team communicates directly with the clients. When necessary, it is assisted by analysts.

What Our People Say...

Java Developer

Stratoflow is a relatively small company with absolutely professional working conditions. For me, as a developer, it is important to have contact with experienced mentors. Projects are individually matched to our skills and give opportunity to learn and grow. There is an emphasis on doing things properly and thinking long-term. Overall, I really appreciate the people and the atmosphere here, my work gives me a lot of satisfaction – I think I couldn't find a better place.

Senior AI Developer

To me Stratflow means independence, trust, and great people. There is no control or pressure, and I believe it is a secret that makes it possible to develop advanced and high-performance software. I've been working here for 8 years and I can't imagine a better workplace.

Senior Java Developer

The greatest advantage of working at Stratoflow are interesting projects – I like technical and performance challenges at work. Another strong point is a small team. There is no decision inertia and if you want to do something, change it, it is possible. It is so nice to work with developers who can quickly communicate with each other and who care about the quality. I also appreciate the management who do not fake pointless processes or procedures, but only deal with the essence.

Java Developer

Stratoflow team have very good relationship with each other and with the management what creates great working atmosphere. We have very good communication here – I always get a support in case of any troubles. And there is no issue that cannot be solved. I appreciate a lot the fact that there are no too long and boring meetings. What matters here the most is the quality of our work. And where we are having lunch together.

10 Reasons To Work With Us

Stable, long-term cooperation.
Interesting projects for international clients.
Work in a convenient office in the center of Wrocław or remotely.
Modern, lightweight Java 14+, Spring, GraalVM, reactive frameworks.
Commit on the first day.
We use IntelliJ, Jira, Slack, ClickUp everyday.
Often new projects started from scratch – complex web applications, systems processing large volumes of data and responding in real-time based on in-memory processing, advanced integrations.
Full-stack development from project kick-off to implementation and deployment.
Few meetings, high independence.
Flat structure and quick decisions (we are 30+ people).

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