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AI Software Development Company

robotic process automation

Stratoflow is an AI software development company that specializes in crafting high-performing AI applications. With expertise in machine learning, language learning models, and AI-driven engines, we deliver tailored AI software solutions that optimize processes, enhance decision-making, and drive growth.

Incorporating AI into your business brings significant benefits, including streamlined operations, business process automation, improved customer experience, and valuable insights. Investing in AI development services is worth it with Stratoflow’s team of 30 skilled developers on board, recognized for our trusted partnerships, commitment to communication, and building software that satisfies engineering souls.

Join us in unlocking the transformative potential of artificial intelligence for your business.

java web development company


years on the market


top notch developers

1 billion

transactions per hour in our finance system

Stratoflow was instrumental in the completion of several projects of Tier 2. Other than developments, they also handled the technical support and maintenance of the applications. The team has been reliable, flexible and has displayed excellent technical capabilities in the workplace.

java web development services
Andrew Kennedy
Founder & Director, Tier 2 Consulting

AI Software Development Services

Integrating AI models

We excel at seamlessly integrating AI models into your existing systems. Whether it’s image recognition, natural language processing, or predictive analytics, our AI developers ensure smooth integration for maximum impact.

AI Automation

Streamline your business processes with AI-driven automation. Our advanced artificial intelligence workflow automation solutions can automate repetitive tasks, optimize workflows, and reduce manual intervention, leading to enhanced productivity and operational costs savings.

AI Consulting Services

Our team of AI experts is here to guide you through your AI journey. We provide strategic AI consulting services, helping you identify the best AI solutions for your business needs and charting a roadmap for successful AI implementation.

Enterprise AI Applications

Leverage the power of AI to build powerful applications or transform your enterprise applications. Our custom AI solutions ensure that your applications are equipped with intelligent features, enabling data-driven decision-making and business process automation.

Web application development

Our AI software development services provide you with innovative and user-friendly solutions for business intelligence. As an artificial intelligence development company, we combine AI technologies with web development expertise to create engaging and intelligent web applications that meet your users’ demands.

AI-powered fast and low-code development

We offer AI-powered fast and low-code development solutions that accelerate your AI development process. With our engineering team and cutting-edge technology, you can quickly deploy AI applications and adapt to changing market demands using Large Laguage Models.

AI-Driven Engines

Experience the benefits of AI-driven engines that deliver personalized experiences and efficient functionalities. Our recommendation engines, search engines, and booking engines are based on machine learning models and are built to enhance user satisfaction and drive business growth.

Benefits of AI Software Development

software engineers

AI software development offers a wide range of benefits for businesses, including improved efficiency and automation, data-driven decision-making, personalized customer experiences, cost savings, and the opportunity for innovation and competitive advantage. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and emerging technologies, businesses can thrive in an ever-evolving market landscape and pave the way for sustainable growth and success.

Enhanced Efficiency and Automation

AI development allows businesses to partner with AI development companies or software development companies to create custom AI solutions that automate various processes. Whether it’s streamlining customer support through chatbots powered by natural language processing or using computer vision algorithms to automate quality control in manufacturing, AI can significantly enhance efficiency. By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, AI frees up valuable human resources, enabling employees to focus on more strategic and creative aspects of their roles. This increased efficiency leads to improved productivity and reduced operational costs, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of the business.

Improved Decision-Making

Data scientists play a crucial role in AI software development, as they analyze large datasets using machine learning algorithms and predictive analytics to extract valuable insights. These insights enable businesses to make data-driven decisions, identify patterns and trends, and gain a deeper understanding of their customers’ preferences and behaviors. Armed with this knowledge, businesses can devise effective strategies, optimize marketing efforts, and tailor products and services to meet specific customer demands. In a highly competitive market, data-driven decision-making can provide a significant advantage and contribute to the company’s long-term success.

Personalized Customer Experience

AI software development services enable businesses to incorporate AI solutions that enhance the customer experience. For instance, through natural language processing, businesses can implement virtual assistants or chatbots that engage customers in personalized conversations, providing instant support and relevant information. Additionally, computer vision technology can be used to offer personalized product recommendations based on customer behavior, preferences and past purchases. This personalized touch not only improves customer satisfaction but also fosters customer loyalty and repeat business, which are critical for sustained growth.

Cost Savings and Resource Optimization

By automating processes and optimizing business operations, AI solutions help businesses reduce operational costs. AI-powered business process automation can eliminate errors caused by manual tasks, leading to cost savings from decreased rework and improved resource utilization. Additionally, AI can analyze data to identify inefficiencies and areas for cost optimization within the business, helping decision-makers prioritize investments and allocate resources more effectively. In the long run, these cost-saving benefits can significantly impact the bottom line and enhance the company’s financial performance.

Innovation and Competitive Advantage

AI development empowers businesses to explore emerging technologies like generative AI and neural networks, allowing them to stay at the forefront of innovation within their industries. By collaborating with an artificial intelligence development company or skilled AI developers, businesses can create custom AI solutions tailored to their unique needs and business challenges. This enables them to differentiate their products and services, offer innovative solutions to customers, and gain a competitive advantage. Being an early adopter of AI technologies can position a business as an industry leader, attracting more customers and opening up new revenue opportunities.

AI Solutions For Your Industry

For the past 20 years, our experts have been assisting companies from a wide range of industries in the process of digital transformation. We have delivered end-to-end custom software solutions that have brought our clients’ businesses to a higher level.


We have been involved in the fintech industry since the very beginning of our activity. We’ve managed to build a system processing more than 1 billion transactions per hour. Due to our great experience in the field of finance technology, you can be sure that your project will be in good hands. Our top-notch  developers build financial systems of outstanding technical capabilities and support our customers during their entire technical journey.

By introducing cloud-based innovative architecture, the finance software we build is secure, highly scalable, and able to process a massive amount of data in a very short time!

So, if you care about energy-efficient software development for your financial application – you’ve come to the right place!


The newest technological solutions have already become an indispensable part of the travel industry. We provide our clients with an advanced infrastructure which improves the scalability and performance of their travel platforms.

Using our expertise, we offer end-to-end services for travel search engines capable of handling 300 million queries daily and returning results in real-time.

The future of travel technology is here with us!


Our ecommerce software development services are dedicated to modern retail businesses of any size. We implement solutions tailored to your clients’ needs by leveraging the latest technologies that will accelerate and grow your ecommerce.

Understanding the operations and priorities that drive your ecommerce is our main focus when designing efficient, scalable and high-performance software.

We’ve had it tested – come see for yourself!


Let us enhance, upgrade and accelerate your healthcare IT solutions with our high-performance software. In Stratoflow, we are primarily guided by a thorough understanding of the complexity of your issue.

We do an in-depth analysis and select the best technologies that the healthcare industry needs, and do our best to guide you through the entire process.

Healthcare industry requires the newest technology. Let’s bring it in together.

Stratoflow successfully customized the system according to the specific functionalities and without bugs reported. The team was commended for their adaptability in the work process and for their responsiveness.

destination management company
Joshua Blavins
Tech PM, Konekt Group

Our process

How We Deliver

Iterative approach with short feedback cycles and seamless communication is the key factor of success.



Step 1

Our clients are located around the globe but we always try to start with a planning visit to learn more about the project details and build team rapport.



Step 2

We work together on ballpark estimates and task priorities to build a roadmap maximizing business value.



Step 3

We work in short development cycles with daily communication between developers and clients to make sure we end up with the best result.



Step 4

Demonstration of the current progress enables to review the interim results.



Step 5

Iterative approach is the best way to adjust the scope and direction.



Step 6

We are your partner in a complete software development lifecycle, starting from analysis through development and testing, to data migrations, installation and maintenance.

Why Choose Us?

Our cooperation model


  • Complete projects or staff augmentation (working as part of your technical team).
  • On-site or remote model with daily IM/video meetings.
  • Mixed on-site/remote.
  • Consulting: PoC, system architecture design, architecture & code reviews.
  • We do not subcontract further to other companies, project teams are constructed from our direct employees.
custom software development company

The way we communicate


  • We value transparency, collaboration, and honesty.
  • Daily communication via e-mail/IM/video with our team of Java developers in Poland.
  • Source code stored daily in a code repository owned by the client.
  • Each sprint ends with deployment to the UAT environment, live demo and testing.
  • Once testing is complete, the UAT version is promoted to production.
  • A Technical Lead / Delivery Manager is assigned to work with the client as the main point of contact.
  • Nearshore office location in Poland.
custom software development companies

We believe in our values


When building high-performance systems, the following values always guide us.

  • Craftsmanship – making sure that the solutions we create satisfy both the client and our engineering spirit.
  • Collaboration – a spirit of cooperation and understanding the fact that only by working as a team we are able to create something worthwhile.
  • Transparency – sharing information, being open to giving and receiving constructive feedback.
  • Responsibility – a sense of responsibility for our work, a proactive approach.
inventory management

Why we are the best custom software development company for you


  • Successful and long-term cooperations with clients from the UK, the US and Europe.
  • Solid track record of delivering complex B2B and B2C systems.
  • Highly specialized software development company with organic growth and great employee retention.
  • Strong engineering spirit with a truly agile approach.
  • Recognized by Financial Times and Deloitte as the fastest growing software development company.
  • Our experts have 20 years hands-on experience building advanced systems for finance, travel, health, and technology sectors.
developers at the office

Success Stories

Our Recent Case Studies

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View all case studies

What Our Clients Say

The features implemented have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from end-users. Stratoflow has an incredible technical expertise and a high degree of flexibility when it comes to changing project requirements.

fintech application development
Adam Hill
Chief Technology Officer, Legerity

Stratoflow successfully completed numerous web-based projects. They can handle technical challenges very well. The team has exceptionally talented developers with a strong grasp of business objectives and proactively provided solutions.

travel management company
Arnd Jan Prause
Chief Operating Officer, musQueteer

The bespoke metal exchange platform works great, it is easily accessible and richly functional. Stratoflow managed deadlines capably, meticulously documented their progress, and delivered a complex project at an affordable cost.

destination management company
Bartlomiej Knichnicki
Vice Chairman, Supervisory Board, Mennica Skarbowa


What is artificial intelligence software development?

Artificial intelligence software development involves creating software applications that utilize artificial intelligence techniques and technologies to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. These applications can learn from data, adapt to changing circumstances, and make intelligent decisions. AI software development encompasses various areas, such as machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, business intelligence, deep learning, robotics, and other advanced technologies.

What are AI development services?

AI development services are offerings provided by specialized Artificial Intelligence companies or teams to help businesses and organizations build, implement, and maintain AI-powered solutions. These services may include AI consulting, custom AI solution development, machine learning model development, big data analytics, chatbot development, computer vision applications, AI integration, and more.

How is AI used in software development?

AI is extensively used in software development to enhance various aspects of applications and create intelligent, efficient, and user-centric solutions. Here are some key ways AI is utilized in software development:

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): AI-powered NLP enables applications to understand, interpret, and respond to human language. It facilitates chatbots, virtual assistants, and voice-controlled interfaces, improving user interactions and customer support.
  • Recommendation Engines: AI-based recommendation engines analyze user behavior and preferences to provide personalized suggestions for products, content, or services. They enhance user engagement, increase sales, and improve user satisfaction.
  • Machine Learning Algorithms: AI enables applications to learn from data and improve over time. Machine learning algorithms are used for tasks like image recognition, fraud detection, predictive analytics, and more, making applications smarter and more efficient.
  • Data Analytics: AI-driven data analytics processes vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. It helps businesses gain insights, make data-driven decisions, and identify patterns or trends that might be missed through traditional methods.
  • Automated Testing: AI automates testing processes, making software testing faster and more reliable. It reduces the time and effort required for testing while ensuring high-quality software delivery.
  • Predictive Maintenance: AI algorithms can predict equipment failures or maintenance needs, enabling proactive maintenance, reducing downtime, and optimizing operational efficiency.
  • Generative Models: AI-powered generative models like GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) can create realistic images, videos, and other content, which has applications in design, media, and content creation.
  • Optimization and Resource Management: AI can optimize resources, such as cloud computing instances or network bandwidth, to ensure efficient utilization and cost savings.
  • Automated Code Generation: AI can assist in generating code snippets, automating repetitive tasks in software development, and improving developer productivity.

Security and Fraud Detection: AI algorithms help detect and prevent security breaches, identify anomalies, and protect sensitive data from unauthorized access.

How much does an AI service cost?

The cost of an AI service provided by an AI company can vary widely based on the complexity and scope of the project, the level of customization required, the type of AI technology used, and the expertise of the service provider and AI developers.

How much does it cost to hire an AI developer?

The cost of hiring an AI developer depends on several factors, including their level of experience, expertise, location, and the specific responsibilities of the role. In the technology industry, AI developers are generally in high demand, and their salaries can be competitive.

What services do AI companies provide?

Some common services offered by AI companies include:

  • AI consulting and strategy development
  • Custom AI solution development
  • Machine learning model development and deployment
  • Natural language processing implementations
  • Computer vision applications
  • Data science and predictive analytics
  • Chatbot and virtual assistant development
  • AI integration with existing systems
  • Business process automation
  • Robotics and automation solutions
  • AI-driven development

Learn More

Consult your project

Submit the form to discuss your project and our software development, team augmentation and consultancy services. Our clients are located in the US, the UK, and Western Europe.

or call us: +1 415 340 8020 (US) or +44 20 3322 8684 (UK)


What happens next?

  1. Initial Request
    When you submit your request, we will immediately confirm it and analyze your initial questions and project scope.
  2. Discovery Call
    We schedule a call at a convenient time to discuss your project requirements and goals, and answer any questions you may have.
  3. Expert Meeting
    This meeting focuses on detailed project analysis, strategy development, and technology selection.
  4. Proposal
    Based on the insights gained from our discussions, we will prepare a commercial proposal that includes the scope of work, timeline, and cost estimates.
  5. Contract
    The final step is to sign a contract that defines the terms of our relationship and the framework for successful project delivery.
Michał Głomba | CEO